


“ Comic-Trust” theater company offers two directions of the program

- educational and professional
- social

It is possible to realize (carry out) one of the directions according to the wishes of the customers in our workshop and it is also possible to jom both directions.

1. Educational and professional direction includes:

- lessons of actor skills, clownery, dancing, sense of rhythm and plasticity, acrobatics.

The teachers join traditional Russian acting methods of Stanislavsky system with modern world methods and clownery, using their experience of work and education in Russia, England, USA, Germany, France.

2. Social direction

Practical work and research show that clownery helps a person to solve complicated psychological problems fear, shyness, etc.
Clownery is overcoming inferiority complex. It is different attitude to yourself, to your appearances, body, plasticity and to the (your) partner.
Clownery is the highest acting level, grotesque, work with mask and so it is another attitude to people’s character, understanding their personality.
The main difference between clownery and drama is straight contact with the audience, “absence of the wall” and as a result “opening to the world”
One of the ideas of the cocial program is “to come to yourself in the harmony with surroundings”.
The leader of the project - director of “Comic-Trust” Vadim Fisson is a disabled person. He’s got the experience of realizing himself throug the clownery.
The students work not only with each other, but at the same time in the direct contact with professional actors of “Comic-Trust” theatre as partners


Die Meisterklasse (Work-Shop)

Das ist die 2-4 Wochenschule der Schauspielmeisterschaft vom klassischen System von Stanislavski bis Clownerie, anschliessend Taenze und Pantomime, Akrobatik und Plastik, Bewegungsstudien, Logik und Alogik des Streiches, Grundsaetze der Stueckinszenierung im Genre "Komik Trust" u.s.w. Der Kurs ist fuer alle, die sich fuer moderne Theater interessieren: Studenten der Theaterabteilungen, Studierenden der Theatershulen, Teilnehmer des Laientheaters Die Meisterklasse ist die natuerliche und logische Fortsetzung und Ergaenzung der Auffuehrungen und Programme der "Komik Trust".

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